Brother Bear Becomes Zak

Brother Bear Becomes Zak
The first Squirrel I ever took a picture of

Friday, May 13, 2011

My Time At A Video Shoot With Billy Hume

Little Man, Billy Hume and I went to see a video shoot, and it took us 1 hour to get there, we had to go all the way to downtown Atlanta, GA. We finaly got there, but we couldn't find the people we were supposed to meet. We waited for 10 min, and while we were wating Little Man, and I played Smurfs(c) on Billy's iPAD, then the people we were supposed to meet showed up. Then all we went to the roof of somone's house(it was a flat roof).

While they were filming, Little Man and I found some bricks and made: The leaning tower of Pisa, the great wall of China, Fort Pulaski, Stonehenge, a neighborhood, and finally a castle.

The Three Most Importent Things I Learned About Film Making:

  1. Lighting is THE most importent thing about making a film.

  2. A CLAW is somthing film makers use to move a camera smoothly through the air.

  3. If you want to shoot a video on the ground and still have a smooth shot you use DOLLY (or if a Dolly is to expensive you can use a wheelchair).

I had a great time and afterward we went to Billy's studio. I got home at 3 AM, and I was tired!

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